I picked this app up after getting HomeBudget and loving it. I was looking for something to break down my debts a little more, particularly my student loans that all have different interest rates.
This app is missing a few things to make it really functional. It will not allow a user to save a debt if the student loan original loan amount is greater than the current balance.
It also seems to have some sort of tolerance for the minimum balance- I wasnt trying to make up my own minimum balance, merely put in the minimum balance that I was assigned by the loan company. However, I was given a "minimum payment too low" message.
I really love this app otherwise- the ability to put in "extra payment amount" and see how much it will drop my payments and how much less in interest I will have to pay is really a great feature! I also love the reports this app generates.
I am hopful that future updates for this app will allow for the features listed above. Definitely will be worth five stars!!
Melaniersumner about Debt Strategy